Monday, June 1, 2009

Care for Your Ride with a Custom Boat Cover

Many people dream of owning a boat. They work hard, save their money and are one day finally able to make that dream come true. With neglect and improper care, however, that dream can quickly become a nightmare.

Once you’ve satisfied the dream of owning a boat, why risk your happiness and hard-earned dollars by leaving its future to chance? Boats are very expensive, and you can’t just go out and buy a new one every few months.

That’s why it’s so important to take every precaution to ensure a long life for your boat. Provide the best maintenance today, and give it ongoing protection against all of nature’s elements.

A custom boat cover may be the perfect solution for protection today, and in the future. Your boat is built to be in the water, but that doesn’t mean it can withstand daily exposure to rain, snow, ice or even direct sunlight. Custom boat covers provide all-season protection from the elements.

Many boat manufacturers and boat accessory retailers offer custom boat covers. While not custom-made specifically for you, there are particular boat covers available for many popular boat models. You can check with your marina or boat retailer to see if a custom cover is available for the model of boat you own.

A custom boat cover is designed to protect more than the hull of the boat. It will cover the motor, masts and accessories as well. To ensure a perfect fit, you may need to have the cover tailored specifically for your boat. It’s the best way to guarantee a snug fit and the highest level of protection.

There are boat covers available in a variety of materials. Polyester, canvas, nylon and waver polyester are all good options, providing dependable protection and endurance. Make sure that the cover you choose is flexible, waterproof and dustproof.

The material must provide ample air circulation, because any moisture that accumulates under the cover can quickly turn into rust or mildew, causing irreparable damage. The surfaces of your boat need to “breathe”, even while covered. Consider a custom boat cover made of a 50/50 polyester blend. This light, waterproof fabric provides air circulation while blocking the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Extra precautions must be taken, even after choosing the best custom boat cover made of the highest-quality material. Once your boat is covered, you’ll need to seal the seams and close any gaps using waterproof tape. Areas commonly affected by rot or rust need extra attention. Taping the seams of the cover and closing any gaps will provide the added protection essential to your boat’s long and happy life.

You’ve worked hard for your new boat, so don’t toss that investment out to sea. Spending a little more on a custom boat cover will keep your craft ship-shape for years to come.

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